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Clean Communities Launches Statewide Ad Blitz to Address Litter

Through a partnership with the New Jersey Broadcasters’ Association, NJCCC is highlighting the environmental issues surrounding sources of litter. 

The first topic: cigarette litter.

“Cigarette litter is a serious problem in our state,” NJCCC Executive Director JoAnn Gemenden said. “It’s unsightly and harmful to the environment because cigarette filters never fully decompose.”

NJCCC is now running a six-month campaign of public service announcements. Following cigarette litter, NJCCC will focus on other forms of chronic litter, such as balloon releases.

The NJCCC wants New Jerseyans to know through that cigarette litter ends up in our waterways when it is washed into storm drains. It leaches toxic chemicals that is poisoning our marine life.

“New Jersey needs to know that there are billions of cigarette butts littered each year, making them the most littered item on our roads and beaches,” Gemenden said. 

The key takeaway from the initial campaign: Dispose of your cigarette butts in a trash can or ashtray.

The campaign also offers helpful tips to reduce litter:

Cover your garbage and recycling cans

Keep a litter bag in your car

Be mindful when carrying trash or loose items in truck beds

Avoid single-use plastics, such as straws and water bottles

Volunteer for a local cleanup program

Recycle…. always